Saturday, February 2, 2013

Un Año en 8 Minutos

This one is for the folks that always tell me that they've fallen way behind on my blog because of  crazy schedules.  Don't worry, I get it.  For anyone that wants to know what I've been up to for the past year but doesn't have time to click through hundreds of pictures or read through dozens of blog posts, this one is for you.  As I mentioned in a previous post (that you may or may not have had time to read), a picture is worth a thousand words (stop me if you've heard that one before).  That means that by watching this video, you'll essentially be 299,000 reading words in 8 minutes.  That's 37,375 words a minute.  That's impressive.  I'd brag about that if I were you.

Anyways, If you hadn't heard, I just wrapped up my first year in Chile.  It's been a crazy one.  I worked hard, I played hard (ok, pretty much all of my pictures are of the later... but I swear, I fit working hard in there too somehow) and, overall, it was a pretty frickin' amazing year.  Don´t believe me?  See for youself.  

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