Sorry for the lapse in blogging there lovers and friends. The past few weeks have been pretty intense with school and I’ve been trying to sneak as much fun into my schedule as possible, so I haven’t had much time to peruse the interwebs. What have I been doing? Well, I’ve taught three of my six one-hour lessons so far. Typically the group is two to three adult students and I’ve worked with pre-intermediate to intermediate levels. This coming week, I will teach Monday, Wednesday and Friday (beginners and advanced students). I really like teaching so far which is awesome. It’s so cool to be doing something I’m passionate about.
Other highs and lows of the past few weeks include…exploring some new comunas, watching a friend’s boyfriend perform some awesome live music, playing with puppies AND kittens in the same night (pups pictured above), almost having to tackle an old Chilean man who was attempting to steal my laptop (luckily, he handed it over before it got to that point), writing a 2,500 word paper in one day (bleck), stumbling upon an amazing little health food store, learning more about the smog in Santiago (and thus contemplating moving elsewhere), attending my first intercambio (where you practice Spanish and help Chileans practice their English), making it home from the bars before six am (for once), cooking a big group dinner at a friend’s house and going to an organic farmer’s market today. As you can see, there have been more ups than downs. It’s been a good time overall. Tonight, it is our teacher’s birthday so a few of the students in the class and I are going to swing by her birthday party and say hi and then (hopefully) wrap it up early enough to catch the metro home.
Right now, plans for the future are pretty up in the air but all signs are pointing north. After our class ends in early March, some friends and I are planning a trip to La Serena, Antofagosta, Iquique and Arica to scope out possible places to set up shop as teachers. I’m really excited about the prospect of living in one of these beautiful places. Our plans are to travel for two weeks, including a short detour back to Valpo and Viña to kick us off.