Today was the first day of school and, as luck should have it, my freaking alarm didn't go off. So, instead of waking up at seven with plenty of time to cook breakfast and get ready, I woke up at twenty to nine in a state of sheer panic, trying to put my makeup on while simultaneously getting dressed and shoving a piece of fruit in my mouth before running out the door. Luckily my roommate and I were playing it safe by planning to leave at 8:30 and were only a few minutes late when we left closer to 9:40. I got placed in the advanced Spanish class and, since there were only three of us, we got out an hour earlier than the intermediate and beginning classes. The course was challenging and I'm really glad I decided to take it (apparently eight months without Spanish drains your memory of all knowledge regarding verb conjugation...¿Quién lo sabe?)
After class, I went to grab a cup of coffee with the other two students in my group. One of them will be in my TEFL class and the other will be going back to Germany in two weeks and is only here for the Spanish lessons. At 2:30, I went back to the school to meet up with my roommate. She was hanging out with another girl from her class so the three of us decided to wander around the city for a bit and do some exploring. We got some lunch at a little sidewalk cafe and I got the empanaditas y un schop (cerveza). Yummm. Then we walked around looking for a place to buy a pre-paid cell phone but to no avail. However, we did explore a cool park, a gelato shop and a handful of over-priced malls. Luckily we stumbled upon an enclosed ATM where I could finally take out some cash. Victory!
Our expedition ended up lasting about six hours total. We were ready to go around about hour five but the metro was packed with commuters so we just waited it out and got some refreshments to ease our tired bodies and minds (Santiago was in the 90s today and the ozone layer is pretty much non-existent so the sun can getcha good). I got a bottle of water from an "OK! Market" which I didn't notice was carbonated. I also didn't know that it was all shaken up and and, of course, as soon as I paid for it and unscrewed the lid on my way out the door, it exploded all over the place. iAy, la gringa pendeja! Luckily, we ended the day with another victory when we finally found some cheap watches with Layla and Ruby had been keeping an eye out for the whole time. My roommate and I took the metro home and retreated back to our respective caves of relaxation and quietude. Now it's time to clean some things up and get ready to do it all tomorrow. iChau!
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