Cheers everybody, to drinking a nice class of Chilean chardonnay after a long and hot day. My sleep pattern is totally screwed right now so I feel pretty much exhausted even though it is just after nine pm here and I took a three hour nap today. I guess wine was a bad idea...but it's so good. The new roommate showed up around nine this morning. Turns out she's a California girl too and also twenty-three. She's from LA but went to UCSD. Small world. We walked down to the mall together (between ten and twenty blocks away) and scoped it out. Clothes are expennnnsive! So if you're planning on coming to visit me, plan on bringing me some. We did some grocery shopping at Supermercado JUMO (basically Chilean Super Wal-Mart) and carried everything home. I tried to take her to the empanada place around the corner but I guess it's closed on Sundays. We just came home and ate a little at the house and then chilled. Ruby crashed out early and I just stayed up and messed around on the computer and then took the dog for a walk with Brett and Andrés around ten. Spanish classes start tomorrow! Got to get some sleep so I can be rested and ready to brave the metro. ¡Chao!
Hope you are having fun :-) Are you and the California girl speaking Spanish with each other... ;-) ;-)
ReplyDeleteYep, like I said, clothes are expensive as hell. Good thing you packed! Love you!!!!
By the way that is a fantastic picture! ;-)